Scary good pumpkins

Sugar cookies are fun to eat and decorate especially for any holiday. Which is why I collect as many cookie cutters as one person could own (ok maybe I have more than I should but seriously they’re cookie cutters!)

It being Halloween this week pumpkins are on my mind and even if you don’t like the flavor, pumpkin shaped cookies will bring a smile to anyone’s face.

Here’s the quick tutorial to create your own!

First find a cookie cutter that you like, it could be a square, heart, or even a pineapple.

Make your favorite allergy safe sugar cookies. You can make these up to a week in advance so you don’t have to scramble to pull everything together.

Mix up your icings. Each color you need 1 cup powdered sugar and 1-3 TBSP of non dairy milk. Icing should be a bit thinner than toothpaste.

Now spread out your black icing to create the eyes and mouth. Let this dry.

Next use your pumpkin color(s) and outline the eyes, mouth, and pumpkin and fill that in.

Remember to let each color dry completely between each step or the icings will spread and blur together.

Then pipe the vine. I like to do a little loop for some added whimsy.

You can add some lines to your pumpkin or leave it alone. Either way it cute and delicious!

Last but not least create the leaves on the vine. I like to hold the icing bag in place to spread the icing at the base then slowly move it to make a triangle leaf.

Let them harden and now enjoy! Easy simple fun all wrapped up in a handheld piece of art.