Holiday of Lights and Oil

Tonight marks the first night of Hanukkah of 2018 and what better way to kick it off that make a traditional dessert? Donuts or Sufganiyot as they are called are delicious buttery gluten and egg ladened treats filled with jam fried in oil. Definitely not something that is on the menu of an allergy family but I found a great substitute recipe from Delightful Adventures.


Using my own gluten free flour mix and following the rest of the recipe to a T I think these were a great quick recipe that is Top 8 allergen free. Even though they were baked they have plenty of oil to keep with the Hanukkah tradition! My kids approved but I felt it was a bit more coconut than it needed to be.


To be even more traditional I used some of my blueberry jam and filled the little donut muffins. Think this was the best way to make them! The jam mellowed out the coconut flavor and who doesn’t like jelly donuts? My children apparently… They refused to eat any jelly one and only wanted “the plain ones”. My husband proceeded to say he wanted the helicopter ones. Yes the dad jokes are strong in this house.